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Stuart Bayliss MFAA, DipFS Stuart Bayliss MFAA, DipFS

Top Tips to be like Australia’s most savvy investors

The average Australian investment portfolio size is $31,613 but there are growing numbers of ‘emerging affluent’ investors who have an average investment balance of $716,352. So how do they do it?

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Stuart Bayliss MFAA, DipFS Stuart Bayliss MFAA, DipFS

Aussie Home Prices expected to fall 5%!

Drive or walk around your local suburb mid-morning on a Saturday and chances are you’ll pass a few freshly banged up ‘Auction’ signs. But is Saturday actually the best day to auction your home? New data suggests perhaps not.

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How to avoid becoming a victim of underquoting

It’s the hope that kills you. Just ask Carlton fans, NSW Blues supporters, Wallabies sufferers, and hopeful homebuyers who have fallen victim to underquoting. Obviously, you can’t change your footy team, but you can follow these tips to avoid the sketchy real estate practice.

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16 ways the government should tackle housing affordability: report

Think property prices have gone a little bonkers? You’re not the only one. Which is why a report with 16 recommendations to tackle housing affordability has just been plonked on pollies’ desks in Canberra. Today we’ll run through them for you (succinctly, we promise).

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