Your $500 Home Loan Rebate offer exclusive to ANZSEBP Members

 Terms and Conditions

$500 Home Loan Rebate

This offer is available exclusively to members of the Australia & New Zealand Society of Evidence Based Policing Inc (ANZSEBP).

The Rebate

A $500 rebate (“Rebate”) will be offered to all applicants who successfully settle a loan through Stuart Bayliss of SGB Finance.


To be eligible for the Rebate, between 1 July 2020 and 31 December 2020, customers need to drawdown a new or refinanced home loan financed by SGB Finance. The loan must be submitted prior to 31 November 2020.

Eligible customers will receive a $500 rebate.

The Important Detail

Loan applications must be submitted between 1 July 2020 and 31 November 2020.

Loans must be settled between 1 July 2020 and 31 December 2020.

A cash rebate of $500 will be deposited into the customer’s nominated bank account within two business days of settlement.